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Investments by Asset | Financials

Investments by Asset | Financials

What does the A&F Investments do and what do you learn?
A&F Investments is an investment team, initiated and facilitated by study association Asset | Accounting & Finance. Only students enrolled at Tilburg University and who are a member of the association can become active member of the committee. The mission of A&F Investments is to help students gain practical knowledge of investing to supplement the theory they are taught during their studies at the University. This is done through biweekly meetings where members pitch investment ideas using fundamental analysis and valuation models as well as through lectures given by guest speakers. During the meetings, participants propose investment ideas individually or in groups, by means of a pitch. After the proposals, an open and central discussion will take place and the effect of these ideas on the portfolio will be discussed. Finally, the investment team will vote for each investment proposal to determine which transactions will be executed.

Interested in joining the committee?
Are you interested in becoming a member of our team? Let us know by sending an email to with your CV (including current GPA) and a short motivational letter. Give your e-mail the following name: “Application A&F Investments” - [Name]

Committee members

Barak Azor


Sam Huang


Jerzy Tomaszewski

Chief Economist

Kürsat Can

Investment Strategist

Tobias Smits


Wouter Joos
